Mockup of a reader with a print edition of BECOMING HERCULES

Becoming Hercules Update

Excerpted from

The Mythoversal Newsletter

Mythoversal restores inclusion and diversity to classical texts, rediscovering traditions erased by centuries of gatekeeping.

The Mythoversal Newsletter brings author commentary, mythological movie reviews, and occasional essays to your inbox.

Project Update

Our young adult mythic fantasy serial, Becoming Hercules, will premiere exclusively through Amazon’s Kindle Vella platform…when exactly? We don’t know. Those crafty Amazons are still keeping their launch date a closely guarded secret.

Later this month to maximize summer reading time?

In July to coincide with Amazon Prime Day?

In August or September to align with back-to-school schedules?

Line up and place your bets!

Publication Plan

Other Vella authors have adopted a variety of strategies to manage this ongoing uncertainty. Here at Mythoversal, our current plan is a phased roll-out to optimize for any launch date that might pop up, even on short notice.

If we had launched in May, the first three episodes would have been pre-loaded with a growing number of queued episodes in reserve.

Under an optimistic June launch scenario, five episodes will be available right away with a weekly posting schedule for new episodes.

A Prime Day launch in July will enable weekly bonus episodes for the first five or six weeks before BH settles into its regular weekly schedule.

With a launch in August or beyond, we may be able to drop an entire season at once for your binging pleasure.

Meanwhile, beta readers are combing over every line to suggest possible improvements. So take your time, Amazons. The longer you make us wait, the better the reading experience will be.

—Greg R. Fishbone,
Mythoversal Author-in-Residence