Author: Greg R. Fishbone
Thaddeus Smythe III, fifth generation genetics professor, droned on about alleles and phenotypes, oblivious to the glowing flask on the desk of young Teddy Smith, who doodled base pairs in the margins while taking notes in class and tinkered, in his off time, with new forms of life. 54/365
“Rumbler. High-squeak. S.B.D.” Under the table, Cousin Mable relays what she hears from dinner guests in surrounding chairs as their holiday meal digests. “Double-toot. Earthquake. Elephant.” Cousin Scott draws a dot. First to fill a row, he erupts, “Bingo!” 53/365
Turn that frown upside down, my petulant friend, as the nation around us careens toward its end. No use acting surly, at events that have surely proved right what we noted the last time you voted. 52/365
Lady Liberty slumbers as her country reels from assaults on her institutions, expertise, leadership, watchdogs, guardrails, checks, balances, rules, rights, laws, cultures, traditions, values, truth, justice, compassion, hopes, dreams, and future. 49/365
A crown weighed down the clever mind of Archimedes, displacing all other thought; A puzzle to unfold, the purity of gold, and how to find it using math. He gave up and took a bath, and from his soak shot up and spoke, “Eureka!” naked and loose across Syracuse. 48/365
True leadershipis a goosecasting slipstreamsleftward and rightwardemploying both wingsto pull the flockforwardtogetherin a united vee. 47/365
Witness the vampire, inching forward stepwise, avoiding eyes, feeling the pulse of an 80s hair band, surrounded by green glass bottles stocked by region and triglyceride level, attended by demons in gothic aprons, waiting, waiting, waiting for the next available cashier. 46/365
Safe Haven
They laughed at Noah’s Ark and guffawed at backyard fallout bunkers, but since the robots came to town, we’re thankful for the Faraday Cage Cafe and Human Shelter. 44/365
A 1978 Mercury Monarch rusting in an automotive graveyard hides a kingdom of butterfly messengers bearing secrets from the gods. 43/365