Category: Media

Reviews, media releases, and articles about me and my writing.

  • No, a Massachusetts school has NOT banned Homer’s Odyssey

    No, a Massachusetts school has NOT banned Homer’s Odyssey

    Busting the myth of the classics cancel mob Cancel culture strikes again…or does it? “Even Homer Gets Mobbed,” the headline blared. “A Massachusetts school has banned ‘The Odyssey.’” As an author releasing an Iliad-based story in online installments, this headline had me expecting a mob of Homer haters to march their cancel-culture torches down my…

  • Moving the Galaxy to Spellbound River Press

    Moving the Galaxy to Spellbound River Press

    In April 2016, the Nashoba Valley Voice published a feature about future books in my Galaxy Games series moving from Tu Books to Spellbound River Press: GROTON — A switch in publishers has not slowed local children’s author Greg Fishbone as he takes his successful “Galaxy Games” books for middle-grade readers — from outer space to inner space…