Tag: The Amorphous Assassin

  • Free Galaxy Games Preview

    Free Galaxy Games Preview

    If you followed the link to my SCBWI Book Blast, you may have already clicked onward to a preview of the first two chapters of The Amorphous Assassin on my publisher’s website. If not, here’s your chance! The book opens at a practice of Earth’s Galaxy Games team in an empty Beijing National Stadium at nighttime. Two years…

  • SCBWI Book Blast

    SCBWI Book Blast

    October 10th marks the opening of Book Blast season at the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators–SCBWI for short, or Skib-whee for even shorter. Hundreds of new 2016 books are on virtual display for the next six weeks, just in time for holiday season shopping for all the readers in your life.  I’m proud…