Author: Greg R. Fishbone
Join the warmup, shimmying to the whims of parasitic bosses who snap fat fingers and drain your future. Join the race on a grindstone track designed to buff rough edges and rebellious textures. Join the chase, blinders on, as your dangling carrot recedes into the distance. 42/365
Free a thought, Free a mind.Free a mind, Free a body.Free a body, Free a people.Free a people, Free the world. 41/365
Aspire to modesty, overachieve at contentment, set your sights on satisfaction, and achieve inner wealth and power to earn the envy of any oligarch. 40/365
Pride of the Flapper Era, engineered by T-square,a termite-loving wooden coaster endures,forever unsurpassed. 38/365
The dream bussaileddown the thoroughfareof slumbermaking no stops,an expressto Anxiety Square. 37/365
For centuries, a golden dragon defended the villagers from harm, and all pitied the occasional fool who stomped, and tantrummed, and shrieked, “Starve the beast and drown it in a bathtub!” until, hidden downstream, saboteurs and traitors hoarded soap and dammed the river. 35/365
The mighty oak falls to the saw and as it crashes dreams of acorn days gripped in the mitten of a child, streaking down a snowy slope. “Someday you will be a sled,” the child whispered to his friend, now, at the end, the falling tree shouts, “Rosebud!” and nobody knows why. 34/365
Your umbrella of apathydeflects a torrent of lies,keeping you safe and dryas the final Truthdrowns in a puddleat your feet. 33/365
The Rocket Mob goons came calling, thrusters tapping on the bodega counter. “Nice gravity well you got here. Sure would be a shame if something happened to it.” Engines revved, and the desperate victims paid all they could to keep from being boosted. 32/365
Welcometo the Human Multiplex,currently screeningover 8.2 billion filmsin a sharedcinematic universe. 30/365