Author: Greg R. Fishbone
Welcometo the Human Multiplex,currently screeningover 8.2 billion filmsin a sharedcinematic universe. 30/365
a wordbecomes a hashtagbecomes a promptbecomes a poembecomes a call to actionbecomes a movementbecomesa world 29/365
Bored with the cold and hard politics of ice, the winter pond elected to become a blob of warmed-over gelatin. 27/365
She’s a real creampuff, purrs like a kitten, only ever driven on Sundays to church and around the block for endless hours of talk radio. Pulls to the right? Sure, these days, what doesn’t? 25/365
The wealthiest backer of American fascism galumphed onto the stage and showed us who he was. 24/365
The fawn in the meadow tilts her head as the north wind rustles the grass. Message received, she sets her teeth to shred the evidence. 23/365
You pass yourself on crisscrossing escalators, one of you rising to meet the moment, one of you descending into your collection of regrets. 20/365