Category: Myths
Works of mythology in general, and more specifically including the Mythoversal projects: Becoming Hercules, Rage, and Amazons at Troy
Transgender Awareness Week
November 13-19 is Transgender Awareness Week. I’ve never shared this story with anyone before, mostly because it’s not really mine to tell, but also because it’s not exactly my proudest moment. But it informs some of what I’m trying to accomplish in my writing and will hopefully explain my perspective on why transgender awareness is…
Decolonizing Mythology
Even mythology, the most seemingly universal works in the literary canon, should be examined for their intent, their effects, and whether alternate versions might be preferable.
Since Amazon is treating their soft-launch of the Kindle Vella platform as a beta project, I’m also beta testing new images and descriptions.
Multicultural Mythoversal Thebes
For thousands of years, classical mythology has described this mythical-era kingdom as a multicultural melting pot.
Coming Next Week…
Sometime next week, Becoming Hercules will be part of a new reading experience from Amazon. Start freaking out now because there won’t be time later!
Myths Aren’t Meant To Be Told
The Amazons have finally spoken. Becoming Hercules will be released in mid to late July, about a month from now. Get ready!
Dominos That Brought Us Here
Updating my author website is the next domino in a line that’s been tumbling over. Find out why and what’s next!
The Hottest Fashions of Greek mythology
What did the heroes of mythology wear? You can’t tell your chitons from your peploses without a guide…
Becoming Hercules Update
The “Becoming Hercules” serial is coming, but when? I present my plan for each possible release date.
Iphicles and the Breezes
Sharing my notes on some of the people, places, and things you’ll read about in “Becoming Hercules.”