Category: More Tomorrow

My daily poems for 2025 from the #vss365 prompts on BlueSky. I like that there’s no advance warning of what kind of prompt may be drop for each day, and the chance of opening a blank canvas of thought each morning.

  • Slithy


    “My beamish boy! Hast thy vorpal blade slain the Jabberwock, thy manxome foe, in yon tulgey wood?” “Skibidi,” the boy demurred. 19/365

  • Rabbit Hole

    Rabbit Hole

    The angel peeredover my shoulderand urged meto clickanother link.They haveonline distractionsin Heaven,but no Wikipedia. 18/365

  • Cloak


    Noobie mistake, pairing my Cloak of Invisibility with +3 Boots of Squeakiness. 17/365

  • Fool


    In olden days court jesters found ways to yank at the strings controlling their kings but the enlightenment of our government is putting the fools on the ballot! 16/365

  • Labyrinth


    You’re lucky I found you in these lightless tunnels where a monster lurks, or so I’m told. I have strength enough to keep us safe while you tell stories of your world beyond these walls, where men and cows roam grassy fields under broad blue skies, free, as I long to be! 15/365

  • Silence


    When a silence falls in the forest and no one is around to hear, does a tree sacrifice itself to fill the awkward void? 14/365

  • Ice


    You’re such a special snowflake, aren’t you? Whipped up by winter gales into a multitude, fierce and strong, driven into enemy faces, blinding, stabbing, burning, with a million deadly shards of ice. 13/365

  • Dust


    The Sun is dust on fire. The Moon is dust on ice. The Earth is a dusty ball        with a dusty web        of dust-based life. We are the dust that learns               to think,                       to speak,        to dream. 12/365

  • Quit


    The coaster returns to the platform. Eyes bleary, voice weary, the operator croaks, “All done, sir?” “Again,” I tell him. “Again, and this time add another loop!” 11/365

  • Esoteric


    A man built a machine that turned paper to gold, sparking revolutions of science, of religion, of thought, dragging the world from Dark Ages to Now, when Gutenberg lost his printing press to venture capitalists. 10/365

  • Sweet


    “Take me out to the ballgame,” Caroline urged her beau, and off they go; Season tix. All through the first six Caroline screams for the hometown crew. Down by two, but in inning seven they score eleven! Caroline stands, sings stretches arms to the sky. So good, So good, So good! 9/365

  • Guess


    Yours is as reliable as the sun rising in the east. Mine is as reliable as a fountain of cesium 133. May the best clock win! 8/365