Tag: protest poetry
Lady Liberty slumbers as her country reels from assaults on her institutions, expertise, leadership, watchdogs, guardrails, checks, balances, rules, rights, laws, cultures, traditions, values, truth, justice, compassion, hopes, dreams, and future. 49/365
True leadershipis a goosecasting slipstreamsleftward and rightwardemploying both wingsto pull the flockforwardtogetherin a united vee. 47/365
Free a thought, Free a mind.Free a mind, Free a body.Free a body, Free a people.Free a people, Free the world. 41/365
Aspire to modesty, overachieve at contentment, set your sights on satisfaction, and achieve inner wealth and power to earn the envy of any oligarch. 40/365
For centuries, a golden dragon defended the villagers from harm, and all pitied the occasional fool who stomped, and tantrummed, and shrieked, “Starve the beast and drown it in a bathtub!” until, hidden downstream, saboteurs and traitors hoarded soap and dammed the river. 35/365
Your umbrella of apathydeflects a torrent of lies,keeping you safe and dryas the final Truthdrowns in a puddleat your feet. 33/365
The Rocket Mob goons came calling, thrusters tapping on the bodega counter. “Nice gravity well you got here. Sure would be a shame if something happened to it.” Engines revved, and the desperate victims paid all they could to keep from being boosted. 32/365
a wordbecomes a hashtagbecomes a promptbecomes a poembecomes a call to actionbecomes a movementbecomesa world 29/365
Bored with the cold and hard politics of ice, the winter pond elected to become a blob of warmed-over gelatin. 27/365
She’s a real creampuff, purrs like a kitten, only ever driven on Sundays to church and around the block for endless hours of talk radio. Pulls to the right? Sure, these days, what doesn’t? 25/365